Life Alignment Astrology

What is Astrology and How Can it Help Me?

Astrology is the study of a symbolic universal language that reveals deep inner truths.

As the world goes through intense shifts in consciousness, Astrology can guide you to understanding your true nature apart from the ensuing chaos.

There is a divine order in the universe and Astrology reflects that order.

What is Soul Alignment Astrology?

Soul Alignment Astrology is a deeper dive into your Natal chart to uncover the secrets of your Soul’s evolutionary intent. Your soul has evolved over many lifetimes and your chart reflects this karmic journey. Long before your first breath, your soul set an intention to be born at a certain time and with a very specific chart. Your chart is the exact right fit for you to fulfil your agreements in this present life. 

A reading of your planetary cycles from this higher perspective will provide you with the clarity and direction you need to live a healthier and more meaningful life.

I Can Help You With...

Soul Alignment

Take a deep dive into yourself and discover your unique soul gifts in answer to life’s 2 biggest questions…

Who am I? and Why am I here?

Relationship Alignment 

Understand your partner to improve connection and intimacy. Be the best version of yourself in your relationship. Chart comparisons and synergy.

Family Alignment 

Family dynamics improve when there is acceptance and understanding of each other's differences. 

Understand your children and support them on who they were born to become.

‘My approach to Astrology has always been from a Spiritual perspective in order to use challenging life experiences to catalyse profound  transformative growth ’

'I read astrology charts in answer to my calling'

'There is only love or a call for love'

Michele Marie 

What Clients Are Saying


I loved my Soul Alignment reading! So much wisdom and it is like a gift for myself that keeps on giving. I reflect on the information all the time. It has helped with clarity around what I want and has given me a deeper understanding of myself. I’m so looking forward to the next review/session Michele Marie. “Knowledge is power” is what comes to mind. Im very grateful, LOVE LOVE LOVE


Thank you Michelle for the most authentic soul astrology reading delivered with laser like professional insight, integrity, humour and compassion. For my 60th birthday it was the best gift to self and I will be back for follow ups. I know I'm not alone in navigating challenges in these difficult, chaotic, often confusing times. I now have an in depth understanding of the lessons I came here to learn, where I'm at now and the way forward. For the first time in a long time I feel reassured, come what may and at peace.


Wow!!! My reading has given me an amazing appreciation that it is definitely “written in the stars”

I related to everything that has been mapped out so far.

A lot of questions have been answered and explained, that those big events in my life were meant to be.

I now have confidence and curiosity about my future..


Most amazing experience with My Soul Alignment Reading!

It was much much more than I was expecting.

With Michele’s gentle guidance I was able to get clarity and certainty around my purpose in life and confidence to take the right action to move me forward toward my new path.

Thank you Michele, you are a gem!!!

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+61 (0) 417 141 262
Gold Coast, Australia 

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