Simple meanings for the planets - their essential drives

Simple meanings for the planets - their essential drives

Every planet has a fundamental drive which expresses through the human consciousness in an infinite variety of ways. Usually described archetypally Astrologically. And when connected to another planet, layers are added to this pure planetary force seeking expression.

As you would ping a tunic fork you will hear the note in its purity. When you tune another tuning fork, they begin to resonate and offer a fuller sound and there begins a resonance. As you play some other notes as indicated in your chart (a planet being an individual note) you as the conductor orchestrate your song and your vibration resonates in and around you as you. We are all energy, and affect each other as we connect, the unseen forces we can feel do their magic. This is why it is so important to take care of any disturbance and get a tune up if we need to. All the ways you know to be true - good nutrition, sleep, love, a positive focus etc.

It is our job as conductors to play our song as our soul intended. With love.

In its planetary purity, the planets have a singular drive to express, the same way musical notes are one note and chemical elements do one thing. So what is their essential function beyond the symptom of things?

Knowing the vibrational essence of each planet will simplify and deepen your understanding of Astrology and how to work in harmony with these powerful planetary drives. Your chart is divinely perfect for you, there are no mistakes in our universe, even if it looks messy at times. Out of chaos comes creation and an opportunity to grow and reform in flow with what is. Fighting what is, is like stopping a wave, we must learn to ride with these waves with trust and courage, the energy of the heart - cour or coeur in French, means heart.  

Here are the essential planetary drives and their needs for expression as explained in Vibrational and harmonics Astrology.

Sun - Regulates time. Brings awareness or consciousness into the present moment, our clear and present reality. The sun brings to attention to now.

Moon - Also regulates time but brings the past into our present reality. The moon reflects our inner life, that which we remember from our past. Things like habits, instincts, ancestry, moods and disposition that have been part of our signature from the past are brought into present time. 

Mercury - Makes mental connections, sees associations, similarities and differences. Gathers information and data. What do we perceive and know.

Venus - The way we are attracted to beauty. Magnetises us to what feels good and looks good - romance, colour, harmony, balance all that is aesthetically pleasing.

Mars - The force to achieve things. Mars desires to accomplish, to get up,and go and make it happen, whether emotionally, mentally or physically.

Jupiter - Makes things bigger and can manifest in a variety of ways. Expanding too much is also possible with Jupiter. Without Jupiter there is no growth. 

Saturn - Removes everything superficial to get to the essence of things. Strips away the unnecessary to what will last beyond time. Challenges to seek only that which is important.

Uranus - Alive in the moment, Instantaneous and in tune with the current instant. Uranus has no interest in the past or the future. Energy travels in waves and Uranus dynamic energy puts us in touch with nature’s rhythm, sound and improvisation and intuits flow in the present moment. Requires us to let go and ride the wave here now.

Neptune - The motivation that moves us to an idea that is wonderful and magical. A higher ideal that captures our imagination that takes us into a sense of Eurphoria and transcendence. Attraction to the dream. The fairy tale that is more wonderful than every day life. Living for the dreams that capture our imagination can also bring deception because we want it so much.

Pluto - Pluto makes any planet it aspects obsessive and compulsive. Driven by a deeply rooted passion beyond logic or reason. Often rooted in past lives. An irresistible obsession that overcomes. Like the surge of a wave. 

The behaviours and personality traits from the planetary forces are formed by the aspects and midpoints between the planets as well as the signs and houses. 

The specific consequences of these connections is almost unavoidable to express.

This information was inspired by David Cochrane’s work on Vibrational Astrology. And as the magic and perfection of life fulfils our desires, It is opening doors for me in connecting music and Astrology. It makes a lot of sense and supports and deepens many Astrological themes I’ve come to understand and recognise.

This new body of work work, called Vibrational Astrology adds insight into the mathematical resonance of the planets and the perfection of our solar system to support us to learn, grow and become all that we can be.

If all Western music can be created from 12 main notes, imagine what we can create from the individual energetic frequencies of our solar system! The possibilities are infinite.

There is so much scope in the human experience indicated by the planetary alignments in our natal charts if we will choose it. 

Are you ready for lift off?

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